
There are a wide variety of ministries here at FBCJ in which to fellowship, connect, and serve, all to the glory of God.

Children’s ministry: Children are cared for and taught in age-appropriate classes from Nursery – 5th grade during our Sunday and Wednesday services.

Youth ministries: Our Grounded Jr. High ministry is for youth in 6th-8th grade and S.O.L.I.D. Sr. High for 9th-12th grade. Both youth ministries meet individually during the Sunday school hour, on Wednesday evenings and plan a wide variety of outside fellowship activities.


Music ministry:  Those with vocal or instrumental talents minister through the worship team or special music (solo, quartet, etc.) for our services.

Greeter:  Our friendly greeters pass out bulletins and study sheets at the auditorium doors on Sunday mornings.

Usher:  These men meet/greet, seat people, collect offering, and assist the pastor and our guests during services.

Outreach ministry:  This team is ready to greet people in the foyer and follow up on our guests with a contact during the week. 

Welcome Center:   Stop by the Welcome Center with your questions, or to order CD’s, or purchase (donate) Bibles, and tracts. 

Audio ministry:  A team of servants burn CD’s and process audio orders each week.

Sound/audio visual:  This group serves behind the scenes running the sound system, video camera and AV presentations for all of our meetings.

Hospital ministry:  Hospital, nursing home and in-home visits are made to those with physical needs by those volunteering in our hospital ministry.

Visitation ministry: Visiting both guests and church members, these servants make calls and are there to encourage. 

Funeral hospitality meals: A special ministry is ready to prepare, serve or deliver meals when funeral needs exist.

Harvest Evangelism outreach: All church members are encouraged to participate in tract distribution and evangelism at various organized local events.

Vacation Bible school:  Though only one week a year, our VBS is a major ministry that we spend time to organize and operate for children ages Kindergarten through 6th grade. Volunteers serve as teachers, helpers, craft workers, lunch servers, and registration attendants.

Home Bible studies:  Autonomous small group Bible studies are available at various times and locations.

Cleaning ministry:  Volunteers clean areas of the church on a rotating schedule which helps to keep our maintenance costs lower and our building in great condition. 

Adult Ministries: We have a Men’s Ministry (Fishers of Men), Women’s Ministry (S.E.L.A.H), and L.I.F.E. Groups. These ministries exist for spiritual edification as well as practical needs. A variety of activities are planned throughout the year.

College/Career Singles: If you are a single, you want to be involved in the Single Focus ministry which meets as a class on Sunday nights and for various activities.

One on One Discipleship: Discipleship is the heartbeat and core ministry of FBCJ. Meet weekly with another believer, one on one, for the purpose of being established in the word of God, the fellowship of believers, the ministry of the local church, and ultimately in the work of the Lord (making and multipying disciples).

Jackson Bible Institute and School of Ministry: This is a four year, theological, and ministry-related educational program for members and friends of our local church designed to further equip, train, and to raise up pastors, missionaries, and church leaders from within our body. Please contact the church office for attendance requirements, costs, and classroom details.

Spiritual Qualifications for Leadership Form

Youth Spiritual Qualifications for Leadership Form